A lot from a little

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Get down girl, G'head get down...

Great things about the Halloween Party:
1. Headband game (vampire rapist, misprounciations of words, and anal leakage)
2. Dressing up in costumes (Myke and I dressed up like a zombie prom king/queen).
3. Seeing old/new friends one last time (ok, maybe not the last time, but still...)
4. Eating finger foods! Yummy! (Melissa's dip rocked)

See Pics Below:

Dan and Stewart offered to buy our wine rack if no one else wants it. Sweet! We still have the tv stand to get rid of. Damn it!

I should hit the pillow...zzzz

Friday, October 28, 2005

So long, farewell...

Today was my last day at Hewitt--The End..just kidding!
There are many people I'll miss, but the good friends always keep in touch and the others drift in and out of memory (mostly out of memory though). Antonietta and her little elves (soon to be discovered) bought me a cake and HUGE (and I mean HUGE) card. It was super sweet!

After I returned from work, Myke took me to a massive Halloween store. I loved it! We bought accessories for our costume (not to be disclosed as of yet). I'm super excited about it.

Hopefully, I'll post some pics after the party tomorrow.

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Here, here!

Let's raise our glasses to Toronto friends! Here, here!

Tonight was full of fun and laughter. Myke and I went to Moxies to celebrate my departure from Hewitt with a bunch of my fellow co-workers (the nice ones). Aaron (not my brother) told some funny stories involving Aunt Botney (pronounced BOOO-TNEY)and his fine ass (said with a southern accent).

I think I'm having a hard time with final goodbyes. I'm not exactly sure if I had any final goodbyes with people in ATL, but if I did, I don't remember them being this hard.

The Halloween Party is coming up soon and I still have no idea what I'm going to be.
Here are my options:
1. Baby/Little Girl
2. Trinity from the Matrix
3. Christmas (and Myke is Channukah)
4. Prom Queen

Which one should I be?

Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Super Dara!

I think I would've really liked New Orleans. I only wish I had visited it pre-Hurricane Katrina. Hopefully, they'll be able to fix some of the city, though I don't know how/when that will be done. Also, where will Mardi Gras be? Is it going to be relocated to another place in LA or is it going to be taken out of LA completely and moved to another southern state? I nominate Atlanta (only cause that's where I'll be). I guess,only time will tell.

I've been struggling for the past week with stomach pains. I've visited the doctor and all she can suggest are more pain killers. I wish she would run more tests and find out what is truly wrong with me. Pain killers are only temporarily helpful and I need a permanent fix. I love that the healthcare is free here, but why is it that doctors don't have time to really talk to you and see what is wrong with you. I spend more time waiting to see a doctor than actually talking with the doctor. That just seems wrong, ya know?

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A step up or down?

I've decided to meet with every kind of doctor before I move to Atlanta. I get sick all the time and I just don't know why. Was my immune system always this weak?
Anyways, Myke is going to attend all these appointments with me and hold my hand (just in case there are needles involved).

Today at work I spent a good 2 hours examining Mr. Bull-shitter (lets call him that). Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or kiss-ass remark. I don't understand why so many people are blind to his ways. Are they that stupid? Or do people just like people that speak stupidness? People keep on telling me that no matter where I work there will always be people like that, and that concerns me. Why do people feel they have to kiss ass? I work hard and am firm but nice...why can't people be more like that?(that said, i'm not a model worker and I have my problems too...).

Monday, October 24, 2005

All in the family

Picture is of Rachel, Talia and myself.

Last night meant sharing some memories and good times with the Hart side of the family. I got to catch up with my younger cousins, Jordana and Talia, and see what new soap operas were going on in their lives.

Rant: I'm a little bewildered why people don't approach me if they have a beef with me. Am I that unapproachable? I swear I'm a good listener and love feedback (yes, even constructive!). If you have a problem with me, please come up to me in person instead of me hearing about it through someone else. Thank you!

Sunday, October 23, 2005

Stag...you're it!

I’d like to start by saying that I’m the hardest person to surprise. Myke has only been successful a couple of times throughout the course of our 5 year relationship (poor Myke!). People didn’t think it was possible to surprise me 100%, but last night, Tom and Ang proved everyone wrong. An unsuspecting Dara (that’s me!) went over to their apartment and was overwhelmed (and surprised) to see their dining room transformed to a Hawaiian island. It looked amazing—parrots, palm trees, and coconuts (oh my!). Rose and Naomi were also there with big smiles and a steady camera. They made me wear a haku head lei with attached veil and hula skirt. The night was spent talking about Glendon, the move, and other life events and then we decided to head over to Milestones with the boys (Tom and Myke). I must mention here that Myke looked almost as ridiculous as I did, he was decked out in a child’s Spiderman water tube, goggles, a snorkel, and sunglasses.
It was a fun, fun night!! Props to Ang and Tom for pulling this off! You guys rock!

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Yea, what he said!

I'd write details of last night, but Myke beat me to it. Check out his blog.

In other news, I saw "In her shoes" today and it was actually quite good. Cameron Diaz was ok for once.
I love my grandmother! She's so adorable.

Friday, October 21, 2005

"...I really want to know"

I use to prefer CSI: Miami over CSI (Las Vegas) but now I have changed. The cast in CSI (Las Vegas) is much more realistic and likeable. Needless to say, I'm a big fan of the show and watch it almost every Thursday night.

I spoke to my cousin yesterday and it looks like she'll be attending my wedding in Hawaii with my grandmother. I'm super excited about this! I've been super close with my cousins my whole life...my TO family was the reason I relocated to Canada. It's kinda sad that I worked my whole life to get here and when I finally get settled, I decide to move back to the States.

I made a spontaneous decision to visit my grandparents yesterday. We had some japanese food and discussed the movie "Paperclips" and wedding plans. Whenever I visit my grandparents, my grandfather always tells me that everything works out in the end. I think it's a sweet saying and it makes me laugh/smile every time. I'm going to miss my TO family very much!

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

Yes, Dear

So much for the south beach diet! I can't for the life of me say no to carbs. I love bread, pasta and potatoes. I'm so picky so when I take away carbs, there is nothing left (except for low-fat milk products). Some people have asked why I am even attempting a diet in the first place, well the answer is this: I have 4 freakin fat rolls leading up to my chest. I know I'm not hugely overweight but I'm on my way. Hopefully they invent a new diet where you don't have to exercise or change your diet...

My phone interview today seemed promising. She said she'll be in touch in a week. Everyone cross their fingers :)

Whoever invited a 5 day work week is going to be beaten badly! Why didn't they decide to make it a 3 day work week? Who agreed to this? Is it in the constitution or something? Can't we change it? I say let's start a petition to make the work week smaller. Here, Here!

Tuesday, October 18, 2005

A Meeting for a meeting?

Dara's rant for today: What's with people who schedule meetings to discuss future meetings that need to take place (and only that). I just don't understand that! Also, just because a person dresses up for work doesn't mean they are more professional than someone who just semi-dresses up. The clothes don't make a person more productive. Gosh!

I'm excited to have a 2 week break. NO MORE 7:19AM WAKE UP CALL!! Yeah!

The countdown has begun...

It's so hard to say goodbye to yesterday...

I have a real hard time cutting off old friendships. I have had this one friend for over 10 years and I honestly thought we’d be “best buds” forever, but lately I don’t even know if I want to hang out with her ever again. We don’t have that much in common these days, and she’s not the biggest fan of the person I’m going to get married to. I’m really torn because I know she’s a good person and has the potential to be a good friend again, but I really don’t know if it’s worth it. Anyone?

My mom put me in touch with her old boss and she’s going to try to help me get a job at her company in GA. I’m really excited about it. It’s an HR Coordinator role in midtown ATL. I meet with her on Wednesday to discuss specifics (though it sounds really interesting).

Also, I went out to eat at the Keg with Jenn and Barry. Those guys crack me up. They have as many quirks as I do…I love it!

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Today is damn cold! I freakin need to get my winter coat ready for winter SOON (and I stress soon).

Funny facts: 3 boys have had crushes on Myke in the past year. I think they are attracted to Myke cause he's a stellar musician.

Myke and I went down to the Danforth and bought expensive but sexy clothes. We ate lunch in a cafe that looked cute, but in actuality it sucked (it sucked because...bad music, long wait for food, crazy servers, etc...). Then, we went into our first wedding dress store. Some older lady approached me and asked when I was getting married and when I said May, she said I was stupid for not ordering a dress now. We were appalled with that lady's comments and left the store abruptly. Hopefully wedding dress shopping will get better.

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Blonde Ambition

I had a fantastic day with Naomi and Rose. We didn't really get costumes or clothing (minus Rose's purchase) but we did have nice coversations. I visited Rose's place and then she dyed my hair (now it's a Golden blonde...hehe).

Myke shaved off his facial hair! I like him better with hair on his face. Hopefully, it will grow back in a day or so. Even though he's weird looking, he's oh so sweet. He cleaned the whole apartment, took out the air conditioners and dusted. It smells so nice (and so does he)!

Guy in the window

To the guy in the window:
Why do you get dressed when you know the world can see you? And is that light in your kitchen a candle or rose lamp? Why do you find it necessary to get dressed 5 times within the course of an hour? Where are you going? And why did you purchase that horrible sweater and jacket?

Noah's gig was great. I was also impressed. He has a great voice! I went to talk to him during the break and he didn't seem too interested in speaking with me. I'm not positive, but I think he doesn't like me (though he really likes Myke).

Rose, Naomi and myself are heading to Queen West area to look for costumes and fall clothes. I really have no idea why I'm looking for fall clothes since I'm moving to GA and California. Oh well. I mentioned to Rose and Naomi that I wanted them to come to GA in March and they genuinely sounded interested. I hope that happens!

Friday, October 14, 2005

Start me up!

I'm really excited right now!! It's a friday (no work tomorrow!) and I've pretty much planned the big things for my wedding. Phew! I know I'm a crazy planner, but I don't like waiting until the last min. Some girl from work asked me when I got engaged and when I said September 4, 2005, she just looked at me like I was a tool. I am a tool so no offense was taking :)

Why do bridesmaids have to be women? Why can't they be guys and girls? It's not like girls only have girl friends...ya know? Well, I asked Derek to be in my wedding party and I think that's just A OK. He's a great friend and I want him a part of my day...so there!

I was talking to my parents and we assume that only 15-20 people will attend the wedding. I think that's a great number. I hate big, crazy functions. My bat mitzvah was only 150 people and it was way too big.

Thursday, October 13, 2005

Detached Retina

Ang and I just watched a cartoon that had characters with their eyeballs detached from their faces. Very strange (and scary)!

Ang--thanks for listening to me bitch about "things"

Myke and I are going to have to change our wedding date to May 21 because nothing is available (meaning no hotels are free) on May 20. We will also be changing our venue from the Marriott to the Hilton. It irritates me that I'll be helping the Paris Hilton fund.

I feel like listening/singing "Try a little tenderness" by Otis Redding.


I love LAW and ORDER: SVU!!! Elliott is amazing!
Today means doing laundry, getting a pedicure, watching old SVU episodes, and looking for jobs in GA. I'm not looking forward to moving to GA. I hate the feeling of not having a home. This is going to be a lot more difficult than expected. I guess I just have to keep on focusing on the postiives of moving away. For example, GA has mild winters (much warmer than TO), some yummy restaurants, and my family/dog/old friends. What does California have? Beaches, cool places I've never been to, many entertainers (actors/musicians), myke's family, and well, more beaches...Ok, so I'm still working on California.

Wednesday, October 12, 2005

The Waiting Game

I went to see the movie "Waiting" with my friend Melissa tonight and I must say that I love Ryan Renolds. I know he's not an amazing actor, but he's a funny man with amazing timing. The movie was somewhat elementary with themes of "finding yourself" and "being stuck," but the acting was somewhat realistic (code for not that bad). I just hope that the next time I go to Chilli's (or another big restaurant chain) I won't see a pubic hair or snot in my hamburger.

I'm still trying to think up an awesome costume for the Halloween Party...any ideas?

False promises

So, apparently I wont' be getting married at the Marriott anymore. The wedding coordinator lady booked another party even after I told her when I wanted the spot. So much for reservations over the internet. This means having to write a million letters to all the hotels on the Big Island (not fun). Hopefully the Hilton is not that expensive and has room.

I'm at a loss for words right now. My head is pounding and I'm not feeling tip-top.

Side note: I break plans way too often. Sorry to everyone I've ever broken plans with.

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"What's a BLOB?"

I told a co-worker I started a blog today and all she did was look at me in shock. I asked her if I had scared her (yes, scared her!) and she exclaimed "Why would you start a Blob?!!"...I then went on to explain what a blog was and that it was pronounced B-L-O-G not B-L-O-B. Needless to say I think she was embarrassed (I thought it was cute though).

I got my wedding band back. I had to have it made so the color matched my engagement ring perfectly. It's nice and simple and I love it!

So, did you hear? Jude Law and Sienna Miller are no more. That means I have a chance. Here I come, Jude!!! (sorry Myke)

To the members of the screaming and shouting club

I pay a butt load of money to go see Paul McCartney and who sits behind me, but the president of the screaming and shouting club. I tried really hard to concentrate on what Paul was singing about, but I missed a lot of the great songs because some asshole behind me liked the sound of his voice. I thought the point of going to a concert was to see the artist play/sing? Apparently, I was wrong! People--if you like singing along to music more than listening to the artist than please do not waste your money on tickets...instead, go in your car or stay in your home and listen to all the cds. That way you can scream at the top of your lungs or dance around like an idiot. I think that's a fair compromise...right? Damn straight!

Monday, October 10, 2005

This is where we're getting married. Posted by Picasa

sniffle, sniffle

Allergies suck! I'm one of the lucky people who can't breath from August to October. I guess it could be worse though...

Wedding planning is fun. I know a lot of brides get completely stressed out, but for me it's mad fun! The only thing that sucks is the fact that I won't be able to afford a reception in TO. I guess that's what you get for planning a wedding in Hawaii. And for you all of you that don't know, I'm getting married May 20, 2006 at sunset in Hawaii. The date is set!

Side Note: I love my Nano. It's such a fun invention. Keep up the good work, Apple!

Sunday, October 09, 2005

Whatever happened to Neil Diamond?

This weekend has entailed Myke's gig at Graffitis, me eating my face off (Canadian Thanksgiving dinner...though celebrated on Saturday cause I have to work on Monday) and watching Myke get tipsy. Myke's gig was well, interesting. I had to watch some lady sing about having sex with Johnny Depp (titled "the pirate song") and some guy analyze why people commit suicide (but in a positive light...he was very weird). All in all, it was an ok event...well worth my time. Thanks to everyone for coming out (we brought 15 friends). You guys seriously rock! Don't forget...only a couple more weekends until my Halloween party (I'm very excited).

Thanksgiving 2005 has been eventful too. I got to pig out on yummy food (like deviled eggs and turkey) and watch Myke get tipsy and kiss his sisters' boyfriend. Of course there usually is some awkwardness that ensues, but it wasn't that bad (maybe it's cause for once I wasn't the reason for the awkwardness?). I'm ready to go back home though. I miss doing nothing in TO. I love TO (someone should create shirts that say that).


After much ado, I, Dara G., have started a blog. This way, all my friends from TO, GA, CA and wherever can follow my journeys and experiences. Yeah for Blogs! Look out for more posts in the near future.