A lot from a little

Thursday, October 27, 2005

Here, here!

Let's raise our glasses to Toronto friends! Here, here!

Tonight was full of fun and laughter. Myke and I went to Moxies to celebrate my departure from Hewitt with a bunch of my fellow co-workers (the nice ones). Aaron (not my brother) told some funny stories involving Aunt Botney (pronounced BOOO-TNEY)and his fine ass (said with a southern accent).

I think I'm having a hard time with final goodbyes. I'm not exactly sure if I had any final goodbyes with people in ATL, but if I did, I don't remember them being this hard.

The Halloween Party is coming up soon and I still have no idea what I'm going to be.
Here are my options:
1. Baby/Little Girl
2. Trinity from the Matrix
3. Christmas (and Myke is Channukah)
4. Prom Queen

Which one should I be?


  • At 5:19 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    The one that involves nudity!


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