A lot from a little

Saturday, July 28, 2007

The adventures of Myke and Dara

Myke planned an amazing day today! It started out with a massage (it was a bday present from Myke). After that, we headed to the Huntington Library/Gardens for some fun and tea. It was beautiful there! We both had never been so it was something new and exciting.
Thank you so much, Mykie! Today was the best!

Thursday, July 26, 2007

The unemployment clique

Yes, I am still a member of the unemployment clique!
I had another interview (over the phone) and it went well. Now we play the waiting game for a second interview. Finding a job is all about playing the waiting game.
And so, I wait...

I'm sick of hearing about Lindsay Lohan!! Go away Lindsay! Go away!

Sunday, July 22, 2007


Though I still haven't found a job, I have filled up my schedule with some fun times (see pictures below):

Monday, July 16, 2007

Still nothing...

Two interviews down and still no job. I'm hoping that something will come up by the end of the month because I'm getting really bored!

Here's to hoping...

Friday, July 13, 2007

The friendliest of friends!

"I get by with a little help from my friends."
-The Beatles

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Whatever will be, will be...

For the past year and a bit of my life, I have dealt with a considerable amount of stress (i.e. the wedding planning, moving, job hunting, greencard, etc...). I'd like to think things happen for a reason, but I can't help but feel that there is a grey cloud above my head. When it comes down to it, the only thing that matters is happiness. Some people are content with things while others need people. I lean towards the people side. Family and friends are so very important to me. I hate that I am miles and miles away from the people I love the most (minus Myke...I'm so happy we are living in the same place). Maybe I'll sound more upbeat once I get a new job...we'll see...

For now, I'll try to love the life I've created for myself in OC.

Sunday, July 08, 2007

"There ain't no party like my Nana's tea party..."

Oh how I love my Nanas!

My little buttercup

Blog shout out: I have a great husband!

Here is a Top 10 list of his most awesome traits:
1. Supportive
2. Clean/neat
3. Loving
4. Creative
5. Smart
6. Witty
7. Easy going
8. Affectionate
9. Good listener
10. Romantic

Friday, July 06, 2007

Toronto Visit: Part 3

Our TO trip is now over. It was great seeing old friends and family.

Unfortunately, while I was on vacation I was laid off from my job. This means much stress. Here's to hoping I'll find something soon!

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Toronto Visit Part 2: Taub Family Reunion

Toronto Part I: Marineland