A lot from a little

Friday, October 14, 2005

Start me up!

I'm really excited right now!! It's a friday (no work tomorrow!) and I've pretty much planned the big things for my wedding. Phew! I know I'm a crazy planner, but I don't like waiting until the last min. Some girl from work asked me when I got engaged and when I said September 4, 2005, she just looked at me like I was a tool. I am a tool so no offense was taking :)

Why do bridesmaids have to be women? Why can't they be guys and girls? It's not like girls only have girl friends...ya know? Well, I asked Derek to be in my wedding party and I think that's just A OK. He's a great friend and I want him a part of my day...so there!

I was talking to my parents and we assume that only 15-20 people will attend the wedding. I think that's a great number. I hate big, crazy functions. My bat mitzvah was only 150 people and it was way too big.


  • At 3:30 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    So, um, does Otis Redding have like a detached retina or something? Your wedding sounds nice. The guy you're getting hitched to sounds hot.


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