A lot from a little

Monday, October 24, 2005

All in the family

Picture is of Rachel, Talia and myself.

Last night meant sharing some memories and good times with the Hart side of the family. I got to catch up with my younger cousins, Jordana and Talia, and see what new soap operas were going on in their lives.

Rant: I'm a little bewildered why people don't approach me if they have a beef with me. Am I that unapproachable? I swear I'm a good listener and love feedback (yes, even constructive!). If you have a problem with me, please come up to me in person instead of me hearing about it through someone else. Thank you!


  • At 7:46 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    1. you're hot stuff
    2. i'd tell you if i had a beef with you
    3. i'm gonna be your grandma when i grow up.


  • At 8:45 AM, Blogger Dayray said…

    You will be a cute little old lady. I can't wait to see your costume. Is Adam going to come on Saturday night too?


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