A lot from a little

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

"What's a BLOB?"

I told a co-worker I started a blog today and all she did was look at me in shock. I asked her if I had scared her (yes, scared her!) and she exclaimed "Why would you start a Blob?!!"...I then went on to explain what a blog was and that it was pronounced B-L-O-G not B-L-O-B. Needless to say I think she was embarrassed (I thought it was cute though).

I got my wedding band back. I had to have it made so the color matched my engagement ring perfectly. It's nice and simple and I love it!

So, did you hear? Jude Law and Sienna Miller are no more. That means I have a chance. Here I come, Jude!!! (sorry Myke)


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