To the members of the screaming and shouting club
I pay a butt load of money to go see Paul McCartney and who sits behind me, but the president of the screaming and shouting club. I tried really hard to concentrate on what Paul was singing about, but I missed a lot of the great songs because some asshole behind me liked the sound of his voice. I thought the point of going to a concert was to see the artist play/sing? Apparently, I was wrong! People--if you like singing along to music more than listening to the artist than please do not waste your money on tickets...instead, go in your car or stay in your home and listen to all the cds. That way you can scream at the top of your lungs or dance around like an idiot. I think that's a fair compromise...right? Damn straight!
At 5:23 AM,
Myke said…
I'm sorry, you pay a buttload of money? Other than that small detail, I agree with your point about loud people. Loud people suck!
At 9:10 PM,
LTA said…
I guess you could say "Silence is GOLDEN," eh?
At 6:16 AM,
Dayray said…
Silence is defin. Golden!! I should make a shirt that says that.
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