Super Dara!

I think I would've really liked New Orleans. I only wish I had visited it pre-Hurricane Katrina. Hopefully, they'll be able to fix some of the city, though I don't know how/when that will be done. Also, where will Mardi Gras be? Is it going to be relocated to another place in LA or is it going to be taken out of LA completely and moved to another southern state? I nominate Atlanta (only cause that's where I'll be). I guess,only time will tell.
I've been struggling for the past week with stomach pains. I've visited the doctor and all she can suggest are more pain killers. I wish she would run more tests and find out what is truly wrong with me. Pain killers are only temporarily helpful and I need a permanent fix. I love that the healthcare is free here, but why is it that doctors don't have time to really talk to you and see what is wrong with you. I spend more time waiting to see a doctor than actually talking with the doctor. That just seems wrong, ya know?
At 8:13 PM,
Anonymous said…
Someone out there really hopes you get better, Poopy. Oops- I've said too much!
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