Yes, Dear
So much for the south beach diet! I can't for the life of me say no to carbs. I love bread, pasta and potatoes. I'm so picky so when I take away carbs, there is nothing left (except for low-fat milk products). Some people have asked why I am even attempting a diet in the first place, well the answer is this: I have 4 freakin fat rolls leading up to my chest. I know I'm not hugely overweight but I'm on my way. Hopefully they invent a new diet where you don't have to exercise or change your diet...
My phone interview today seemed promising. She said she'll be in touch in a week. Everyone cross their fingers :)
Whoever invited a 5 day work week is going to be beaten badly! Why didn't they decide to make it a 3 day work week? Who agreed to this? Is it in the constitution or something? Can't we change it? I say let's start a petition to make the work week smaller. Here, Here!
My phone interview today seemed promising. She said she'll be in touch in a week. Everyone cross their fingers :)
Whoever invited a 5 day work week is going to be beaten badly! Why didn't they decide to make it a 3 day work week? Who agreed to this? Is it in the constitution or something? Can't we change it? I say let's start a petition to make the work week smaller. Here, Here!
At 7:27 PM,
Anonymous said…
A diet without having to change eating habits or exercise is technically just doing everything you're doing right now. Or getting lyposuction, which doesn't sound like any fun. But trust me, after the first two or three days, you won't even crave carbs... if you can get past that hump, it's not so bad.
On the other hand, I don't think you need to diet at all, and I think you look great as you are. So carb away!
At 5:05 PM,
Dayray said…
You are a really sweet girl! I want to look as good as you do though. I wish I had the willpower you have...damn it!
When are we going to do that breakfast date?
At 7:00 PM,
Anonymous said…
Naomi told me that you cancelled for tomorrow.... Which is okay with me since I spent too much money this week, but I still want to do it. What about next week?
As for willpower... I actually only started the SB diet because I was staying with my parents and my mom wanted to do it and she basically said, "You can either do the diet or make your own food." I said, "Why not lose a few pounds?" And there you go.
This isn't the most intelligent comment because I had too much wine for dinner. I mean with dinner. Agh. Okay I'll talk to you later.
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