A lot from a little

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

A step up or down?

I've decided to meet with every kind of doctor before I move to Atlanta. I get sick all the time and I just don't know why. Was my immune system always this weak?
Anyways, Myke is going to attend all these appointments with me and hold my hand (just in case there are needles involved).

Today at work I spent a good 2 hours examining Mr. Bull-shitter (lets call him that). Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie or kiss-ass remark. I don't understand why so many people are blind to his ways. Are they that stupid? Or do people just like people that speak stupidness? People keep on telling me that no matter where I work there will always be people like that, and that concerns me. Why do people feel they have to kiss ass? I work hard and am firm but nice...why can't people be more like that?(that said, i'm not a model worker and I have my problems too...).


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