A lot from a little

Thursday, June 21, 2007

"Why, Blue Frog? Why?"

We leave for TO tomorrow morning!. I can't wait. I just hope Myke feels ok (he gets a bit nervous flying).

Here are the restaurants I will be visiting on my trip:
1. The Keg
2. Milestones
3. Moxies
4. Spring Rolls
5. Harveys
6. Sushi restaurant on Yonge/Sheppard
7. Chinese restaurant on Yonge/Sheppard.

I love the food in Canada!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

I'm a red head!!!

Tonight I got my hair done. I have been itching for red/strawberry blonde highlights for awhile so I thought "what the hell!" and went for it. My hair is now the same color as my little cousin, Jada. It looks cute though it might be a little too red (though Myke says it's fine). We'll see if the family approves this Friday.

OH and...Happy Birthday, Derek!

Sunday, June 17, 2007

"3 out of 3 ain't so bad!"

This weekend, Myke's friend, Susan, came to visit from Canada. She specified she didn't want to do anything touristy and so we had a nice relaxing visit with her (i.e. pool time, yummy restaurants and lots of talking and walking).

Here are some highlights from our weekend:

Oh and Happy Father's Day to the best dad in the world!

Monday, June 11, 2007

Birthday Recap

Yesterday was full of fun!
I have met some great friends and am super lucky they could help me celebrate my 26th bday!
Oh, and thanks to Mr. Harrison for doing a great job with the cake! It was deeee-licious!

Thursday, June 07, 2007

Driving Sideways

I've been walking home from work more these days. It gives me time to ponder life and listen to some nice tunes.

So, why is Paris Hilton out of jail? When did crying become a "serious mental state"? They should put that pathetic woman in a jail cell with someone else (pref. someone that is really mean and doesn't like her...I'm evil).

Friday is coming near and I'm excited. Only a couple more days until my birthday! Oh how I love birthdays.

Here's a shout out to the June birthdays in my life (Happy Birthday, people):
-Nana L
-Uncle Phil
-Josh W.

Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Who knew?

I decided to throw a BBQ Bday party for myself this Sunday. I invited everyone I knew and it seems that everyone has accepted the invite. Maybe it's because they love me or maybe it's because we live in a kickass place, but whatever it is, I have over 15 people coming to my place this Sunday. Now we have to go out and buy lots of stuff :) I love birthdays!

You know what else I love? San Fran! It was awesome. The people were super nice and the place was beautiful. San Fran definitely has a personality (unlike Irvine).

Sunday, June 03, 2007

San Francisco/Napa pics