A lot from a little

Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Tempted by the fruit...

I had a talk with my manager yesterday regarding my trip to California in April. He's being nice enough to let me go for a long weekend so that I can organize my life there. He's such a nice guy. Anyways, he kind of threw me a curve ball in our meeting. He told me he'd like to give me a counter offer so I'd stay at the company. Of course, I was completely lured by the opportunity/offer, but of course I can't take it. I made a promise to Myke and I must stay by it. It was super flattering to know that the company wanted me that badly.
I just hope I find an amazing company to work for in California. My big fear is that I'll get there and no one will employ me. I know that's really unlikely, but you never know. California is one of the most competitive state.

I've been a crazy cleaner for the past couple of days. We are trying to get ready for the engagement party (It's in two weekends) and my parents can't organize without my help (I'm that good...smile). Of course, I'm also cleaning non-stop cause I want my mom and dad (both of them) to help me pick up my new car in North Carolina. Yes, I said it! I'll probably be buying a really nice '95 Toyota Avalon this Saturday. It's in my budget and it's really nice. The old driver barely drove it and there is only 79,000 miles on it. That's pretty good for a '95. Also, the daugther of the driver (sadly, the driver died recently) put in new parts, including new tires, a new engine thingy (I forget what the part is called) and a 12 disc cd player (pretty sweet). I'm super excited that Myke will have a car in California.

And these are the days of Dara's life...

Thursday, February 23, 2006

Golden Girl

Change of Plans:
We are going to be buying a used car in GA and then Myke will be driving it to CA. This seems to be a win-win situation because Myke doesn't have to fly, my dad can help with the process, I can put it under my name and get him insurance as a temporary driver, and we'll have a car come my arrival in May. Good stuff. Now I just have to find a car. There are many Ford's but I really want a Toyota or Honda. Wish me luck...

I'm suppose to be practicing my parallel parking with my dad this morning but it's raining and I really don't feel like practicing in the rain.

I watched "North Country" last night and was very impressed.
Oh, the other day I went to see "Cheaper by the Dozen 2" with my mom. It was actually really cute. I'm a sucker for family movies. I'm also a sucker for teeny-bopper movies :)

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Did I win or did I lose?

I'm not sure if I won the car fight with Myke. The truth is Myke and I are sailing in unchartered territories. We have never purchased a car and know nothing about what to look out for when buying a used car. Honestly, this situation (and others) is really stressing me out. I'm trying to plan a wedding in Hawaii, find a job, apartment and car in California and deal with legal crap. It's just a little much for a wee little woman of 5'1. If I had a double than maybe this would all be doable. Damn it!
Enough about me...

CONGRATS TO JENN AND BARRY!! (And that's all I will say...)






Tuesday, February 21, 2006

No '94 for me!

Myke has it in his head that buying a '94 Honda for $3000 is good. I'm trying to tell him that you can buy a 1999 or younger for 3-4K. Why won't he listen?
I so don't want anything older than a '99. No thanks!

I had a rather healthy lunch today and actually feel full. Yeah to being healthy (if just for a day).

Apparently, I might be getting a giant gift certificate to Victoria's Secret for an engagement present from a bunch of my mom's friends. That seems like an odd gift, if you ask me.

Advil is my best friend for this week. Don't ask!

Sunday, February 19, 2006


The play is finished! Yippee!
Everyone was flubbing their lines but we had a good time (good audience too).
Some guy asked if he could adopt me. I love old people!
I had a bunch of work people come to this show, but they ended up leaving during the intermission. I'm pretty sure they didn't like the play. :(

Since the cast went out last night we didn't do anything this afternoon.
Actually last night was ok. We hung out for about an hour and a half at a local pub.
Boy, does my dad need to be the center of attention.

My tummy is killing me. I think once I get some chicken in it I'll be ok.

Saturday, February 18, 2006

Me and my puppy? My puppy and I!

I was planning on taking my dog to petsmart today but it's raining outside. Maybe I should just take him tomorrow? Oh wait, I have a performance at 1:30pm. That sucks.
After the Sunday performance, I am free of this play. Yeah!

I've been going back and forth on whether to move to California early. I told my parents it'd make things easier for me if they just kicked me out of their home. Of course they would never do this, but it didn't hurt to ask.

I'm still sitting in my pj's and it's almost 11:30AM. I'm so lazy on the weekends.
At least the house is quiet this morning. My parents are gone!!! Yeah!

Thursday, February 16, 2006

Janis Hat

My dad believes that the plural of Janis is Janis. So this means that the sentence below is correct:
I wore Janis hat.
Oh, how my dad makes me laugh sometimes. He will probably stick to this way of thinking forever. He's very stubborn like that.

The weather today has been beautiful. I should've spent more time outside. Why can't work be cancelled for nice days too?

Since I've been in this play, my dad and I have been in the newspaper. I'll have to make copies for everyone to see. They are funny pics!

I've had multiple California interviews and nothing has really caught my attention. This means, I'll keep on looking until I find something I'm really into. No need for settling.

I picked up my veil today. It kinda matches my dress. I don't know if it'll look good together since I purchased them separately. I guess we'll have to see in Hawaii.

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Lazy is as lazy does

I had a nice, long conversation with Derek tonight. We discussed our dissatisfaction with lazy people. I have no empathy/sympathy for people that do nothing. Get off your ASS and make something of yourself. Sadly, I wouldn't be extremely surprised if Aaron (my brother) ends up working at Camp Coleman at the age of 30.

For some reason it seems the laziest people are some of the smartest people out there.

I had another job interview today for a small executive search firm in Irvine, CA. It seems like a role I could get into, but they use a base plus commission model. I've never done anything like that before. I'm a bit worried.
Of course, there is also the dilemma of moving to California in March. Oh, what to do. I figure I shouldn't get all worked up until I've been offered a job, huh?

Why is everyone making a big deal about Dick Cheney. How does this possibly affect any of our lives?

I'm officially tired.

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Love Day--Bah!

I guess you could call me the Grinch of Valentine’s Day. I hate that America needs a day to appreciate their spouses/significant others. They should be doing that everyday. It also bothers me that a diamond ring or roses can make a girl content. Come on, ladies! We are smarter than this. We shouldn’t want things, but rather one-on-one time with the ones we love.
Please note: I make sure the people that I love know I love them all the time. J

Today’s activities include: lunch with a Partner, zoning out and a lamb dinner (thanks, dad).

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Brokeback Mountain

Can I start off by saying, I don't understand why Brokeback Mountain is getting so much hype. I was so not impressed! I found the dialogue completely boring (and I also couldn't understand half of what they were saying). Can someone explain to me the message of the movie? (I think it went above my head).
I really hope that movie doesn't win any Oscars.

I saw the cookie lady today and she's going to design 25 personalized cookies for our wedding for $53 bucks. This is a great deal.
Also, my mom and I bought centerpieces for my reception. They are so cute.

I'm very pleased right now!

Thursday, February 09, 2006

Top 10 Reason Why the Grammys Suck!

Keep in mind this pertains to the 2006 award show:

1. Mariah is there.
2. The really talented people never get awards (i.e. Coldplay, Paul M, Fiona Apple, etc...)
3. Kelly Clarkson won a bunch of awards. Who the hell voted for her?
4. Country performers...need I say more?
5. Almost every performer sings off key. What's up with that?
6. Ugly clothes
7. Speeches that thank "God" or "Jesus" Thank Moses for once. He doesn't get enough credit!
8. Fake Reactions. If you lose and you feel like crying, than go for it!
9. Fake boobies and other parts. It's not attractive!
10. U2's album was not the most amazing thing in the world. Come on, people!

*You are allowed to disagree with my opinions, however do not get mad at me for stating mine*

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Rhea

I knew if I continued to push myself, I'd eventually come down with something.
I hate having an upset tummy.
No fun!

I have an interview tomorrow with a huge tax firm in California. I don't really want to move there before May, but if the right opportunity comes along, I'll leave. Technically, I'm able to move March 16th or later.

UPDATE: I just received two other emails from employers in California. My resume hasn't even been posted for a week and I've already received 3 hits. And get this...they are mostly for recruiter roles. Sweet!

My brother told me the other day that he feels I should just get up and leave NOW. He's so funny and unrealistic sometimes. I need to save my money here so Myke and I will be able to survive in sunny Cali.
I hate being so responsible sometimes.

I'm waiting for the Hilton to send me an email. They are so slow.

I wish The Office was on tonight and not Thursdays. I'm never around on Thursdays so it sucks for me. Although I've been promised that I will get the 2nd season once it comes out on DVD.

Saturday, February 04, 2006

Two down, 8 to go!

So far, so good.
The crowds have been laughing and the cast hasn't been messing up their lines too much (at least not enough that the audience would notice).
I'd like to see it's fun, but I find myself sleeping during the second Act. I do like my parts though. I love playing a southerner. It's my best accent for sure (though Myke will argue I can't do any other accents...especially English).

Of course, I didn't really get to sleep in today cause my dad felt it necessary to wake me up. I hate when he does that. However, I do like when he makes me breakfast. It's so nice to wake up to the smell of french toast or pancakes.
I expect this once I move to California :)

My engagement party is slowing coming up. I'm really excited about Rose, Naomi and Myke coming here. I am planning on taking them to some fun veggie restaurants and some cute parts of town. They want to stalk Jimmy Carter, but I don't know where he is.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Luck be a lady!

I'm exhausted.
I would love to just grab a pillow and sleep for a good 3 days (without interruptions, of course).
Running around like a mad woman is not my definition of a good time.
Being in a play takes so much time! It'd be fine if there were people my age that I could pass the time with. But of course, I'm not that lucky.

I can't wait until Saturday. I'm going to use the day to catch up on my zzz's and talk on the phone with Myke and my cousin, Rachel.
Sadly, I haven't really been able to speak to Myke for more than 5 min's at a time. This distance thing is not recommended for the weak hearted (that's for damn skippy!).

It's our preview night tonight. I'm just hoping my dad remembers all of his lines.

Let the show begin...