A lot from a little

Saturday, October 28, 2006

Every now and then...

...I like to spoil myself.
I either get a massage or take myself out to a nice dinner.
This time I got a massage. Though it was nice, I felt it wasn't enough. Oh well.

I had a nice dinner with a friend from work last night. I love meeting new and interesting people.
Tonight we are getting together with Laird and Harrison. They are great people and Myke and I love hanging out with them.
It's always nice to meet another funny girl!

I loved coming home to two messages from Jodi last night. She cracks me up!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Save the kitten!

Why would someone abandon an animal? I ask myself that question all the time.
I would love to keep the kitten, but Myke's allergies are acting up and I'm afraid of her claws.
Does anyone want a kitten?

This past weekend was very eventful. I went to Knotts Scary Farm and then to LA. Too bad I don't live in LA.

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Wrap it up!

I've been incredibly bored lately. So bored, in fact, that I have bought and wrapped all my Christmas/Chanukah gifts.

I hung out with Sara tonight. We chatted about Toronto and her upcoming wedding. She's wanting my help with decorating and planning. I love helping people plan events. It's so much fun!

My family and I are playing around with the idea of going to Alaska in May. I hope it happens. I'd love to go!

I'm exhausted and am in need of a massage.

Sunday, October 15, 2006

"That was both poo and pee"

I have no idea why I watch "Flavor of Love." It's amazing to me that there are so many stupid people in this world. It also amazes me that people actually want to be with Flavor Flave. He's old and he's CRAZY (in a bad way). My god, people!

I think David Cross is great! He came up with my subject line...what a genius!

My weekend was nice and quiet!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

"Yea, I don't know what I'm going to do with my life"

Sound familiar to anyone who is between the ages of 17-30? Well, it should! I am 25 and I still have no clue as to who I want to be or what I really want to do. Yes, I have an idea, but I honestly have no idea what my job title will be when I'm 40 years old. Of course, if I did know I guess that would make my life a wee bit boring, huh?

Tonight meant pretty toes and fun times in a weird Mexican restaurant.
It's amazing how many Mexican restaurants there are in California. Holy!
Random: I didn't eat my first taco until I was 19 and I didn't try sour cream until I was 20. I was a sheltered kid!

I am attending a work bowling party tomorrow after work...should mean for some fun times!
This weekend I'm heading to LA!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

My Shoes is...

My new shoes don't fit and so I had to go to the mall on my break and buy new shoes (which, oddly enough, look just like my old ballet slippers).

Myke sent me an email about David Cross and it was actually really interesting. Here's a quote from David Cross (who happens to be from Roswell, GA):

"I'm an atheist, I don't believe in God, so therefore I would think that I can't be Jewish, basically because ... Judaism is predicated on a belief in God. So if I don't believe in God I can't be Jewish right? But... no... you can't. Judaism is the only religion that does this, it came up with this bullshit, arbitrary rule, that if your mother's Jewish, then you're Jewish. So it doesn't matter what I believe in, just Jew for life."

Very interesting, huh?

Saturday, October 07, 2006

No comment

And that's that!

Thursday, October 05, 2006

A cloudless day?

Going to Vegas this weekend...
No expectations...

Happy Canadian Thanksgiving!!

Sunday, October 01, 2006

For I am not perfect...

Things I need to work on:

1. Misuse of quotations
2. Judging people
3. Being too blunt
4. Being negative
5. Getting bored easily

I apologize if any of the above has ever affected any of my readers. I meant no harm :)