A lot from a little

Saturday, October 15, 2005

Guy in the window

To the guy in the window:
Why do you get dressed when you know the world can see you? And is that light in your kitchen a candle or rose lamp? Why do you find it necessary to get dressed 5 times within the course of an hour? Where are you going? And why did you purchase that horrible sweater and jacket?

Noah's gig was great. I was also impressed. He has a great voice! I went to talk to him during the break and he didn't seem too interested in speaking with me. I'm not positive, but I think he doesn't like me (though he really likes Myke).

Rose, Naomi and myself are heading to Queen West area to look for costumes and fall clothes. I really have no idea why I'm looking for fall clothes since I'm moving to GA and California. Oh well. I mentioned to Rose and Naomi that I wanted them to come to GA in March and they genuinely sounded interested. I hope that happens!


  • At 8:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I like you, poopy.


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