Whatever happened to Neil Diamond?
This weekend has entailed Myke's gig at Graffitis, me eating my face off (Canadian Thanksgiving dinner...though celebrated on Saturday cause I have to work on Monday) and watching Myke get tipsy. Myke's gig was well, interesting. I had to watch some lady sing about having sex with Johnny Depp (titled "the pirate song") and some guy analyze why people commit suicide (but in a positive light...he was very weird). All in all, it was an ok event...well worth my time. Thanks to everyone for coming out (we brought 15 friends). You guys seriously rock! Don't forget...only a couple more weekends until my Halloween party (I'm very excited).
Thanksgiving 2005 has been eventful too. I got to pig out on yummy food (like deviled eggs and turkey) and watch Myke get tipsy and kiss his sisters' boyfriend. Of course there usually is some awkwardness that ensues, but it wasn't that bad (maybe it's cause for once I wasn't the reason for the awkwardness?). I'm ready to go back home though. I miss doing nothing in TO. I love TO (someone should create shirts that say that).
Thanksgiving 2005 has been eventful too. I got to pig out on yummy food (like deviled eggs and turkey) and watch Myke get tipsy and kiss his sisters' boyfriend. Of course there usually is some awkwardness that ensues, but it wasn't that bad (maybe it's cause for once I wasn't the reason for the awkwardness?). I'm ready to go back home though. I miss doing nothing in TO. I love TO (someone should create shirts that say that).
At 4:45 PM,
Dayray said…
Naomi--Sorry. Myke helped me setup the google one. No offense to livejournal. Gotta love you guys!
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