I love LAW and ORDER: SVU!!! Elliott is amazing!
Today means doing laundry, getting a pedicure, watching old SVU episodes, and looking for jobs in GA. I'm not looking forward to moving to GA. I hate the feeling of not having a home. This is going to be a lot more difficult than expected. I guess I just have to keep on focusing on the postiives of moving away. For example, GA has mild winters (much warmer than TO), some yummy restaurants, and my family/dog/old friends. What does California have? Beaches, cool places I've never been to, many entertainers (actors/musicians), myke's family, and well, more beaches...Ok, so I'm still working on California.

Today means doing laundry, getting a pedicure, watching old SVU episodes, and looking for jobs in GA. I'm not looking forward to moving to GA. I hate the feeling of not having a home. This is going to be a lot more difficult than expected. I guess I just have to keep on focusing on the postiives of moving away. For example, GA has mild winters (much warmer than TO), some yummy restaurants, and my family/dog/old friends. What does California have? Beaches, cool places I've never been to, many entertainers (actors/musicians), myke's family, and well, more beaches...Ok, so I'm still working on California.
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