A lot from a little

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

The Rhea

I knew if I continued to push myself, I'd eventually come down with something.
I hate having an upset tummy.
No fun!

I have an interview tomorrow with a huge tax firm in California. I don't really want to move there before May, but if the right opportunity comes along, I'll leave. Technically, I'm able to move March 16th or later.

UPDATE: I just received two other emails from employers in California. My resume hasn't even been posted for a week and I've already received 3 hits. And get this...they are mostly for recruiter roles. Sweet!

My brother told me the other day that he feels I should just get up and leave NOW. He's so funny and unrealistic sometimes. I need to save my money here so Myke and I will be able to survive in sunny Cali.
I hate being so responsible sometimes.

I'm waiting for the Hilton to send me an email. They are so slow.

I wish The Office was on tonight and not Thursdays. I'm never around on Thursdays so it sucks for me. Although I've been promised that I will get the 2nd season once it comes out on DVD.


  • At 11:36 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    *clears throat*. Ahem, it's rrhea. And I hope you feel better, babe. Okay, I'll stop correcting you now- I heard that's a really bad thing for married couples to do. But am I okay to do it before May?


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