A lot from a little

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

True partriot love...

With Canada day on the horizon I thought I'd write a list of things I love about Canada.

1. My relatives and close friends live there!
2. The cities: Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, etc...
3. The 4 Seasons
4. The TTC
5. The restaurants: Licks, Swiss Chalet, The Keg, Harveys, and Milestones/Moxies
6. Free healthcare
7. Inexpensive apartments
8. The festivals and concerts
9. The cultural experience (many different types of people)
10. Our flag!

*These items are opinion based.

Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Finger pointing

Sometimes I'm quick to point my finger and judge or blame people. And sometimes I'm quick to take the blame because I feel somewhat responsible for life's crazy mishaps. And other times I realize it's partially my fault and partially others.
Regardless, I have to take responsibility for my life choices and learn to either accept them or change them.
Here's to change!!!

Saturday, June 24, 2006


Started job on Wednesday. It's alright. I'm not sure if I want to be a Recruiter though. We'll let time tell.

Sara, Gianfranco and their friend Erica came over for sunday's last night. Yummy treats, nice conversations (that included a cow vagina...hehe). Hopefully, I'll have more human/human interactions in the near future. God, do I need it.

Going to LA this weekend to see Fiona Apple and Damien Rice. Also going to hang out with Malinda in Santa Monica.

Liana is coming next weekend. Yeah!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006


My plane took off later than expected due to a medical emergency. This caused us to be an hour late. I ended up running to my connecting flight (I've never had to do that before). Luckily, they waited for me. Of course, that meant that my luggage had no chance. I filed a claim and then at 1am in the morning my luggage was delivered (at least it was delivered, right?).

I was suppose to go to the beach today, but I'm honestly exhausted. I have to get some rest as I will be starting a new job tomorrow.

Need sleep...

Saturday, June 17, 2006

"Here I go again on my own..."

Hotlanta didn't get its name for nothing. It's damn hot here!
So hot that half naked people are roaming the streets (both fun and scary).
I've been keeping myself busy with movies and fun get togethers. The other day I went out to lunch with old work friends. I've bee replaced by my replacement (go figure). Its apparent that everyone likes her and that I'm not steadily in their minds. Oh well. I also went to a greek restaurant with Dan. We had napkins thrown on our heads as well as bellies in our faces. It was a great time. I love catching up with old friends. It's probably one of my fave things to do (that and roaming the ATL streets naked...kidding).
I've been talking up California in hopes that others will visit me. Hopefully, at least 3 people will visit me in Cali. Here's to wishing...

Today was "movie day".
This afternoon I saw "Keeping up with the Steins" with my parents. It included a bar mitzvah, father/son relationships, and jewish family humor. All in all it was cute. I would definitely recommend it to people that appreciate jewish humor and Neil Diamond (Oh boy, do I love Neil).
The second movie of the day was "The Break Up" (seen with my Mom). It was a disappointment. I was definitely expecting way more from Vince. It wasn't even that funny!! The commercials completely mislead the audience. You think you are going to see a romantic comedy, but it turns out to be a dramatic, sad picture. Damn!!

And on the other side of the States, Myke is playing a gig in LA. Go Myke! Good luck!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

Attack of the different time zone!

Random Photo #45:
Spent my whole day travelling to GA.
For some reason it took 3 and a half hours for me to get to the LAX airport. I guess that's what happens when you have a "special" driver (name of shuttle bus can not be mentioned).

A couple of things to note:
1. It feels weird visiting GA
2. I don't think my dog knows who I am
3. My mom seems to be very happy even when she sleeps
4. My dad makes me smile
5. I wish Myke could be here
6. Not tired yet...sucks!

Monday, June 12, 2006


I'm going to Georgia this weekend!
I get to see my parents and dog again! And I get to celebrate father's day and my mom's bday (though the celebration is a bit premature).

I think I should be a professional traveller. Is that possible? If not, maybe I should be a professional sleeper. Hmmm...

There's a swimming pool here, yet no one swims in it (including me). This is so weird to me.

I got a job!!! I'll be an executive recruiter for a search firm. Yeah!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

A very merry unbirthday to me!

Myke took me to Las Vegas this weekend and it was great. He made sure my time there was special and fun. On Saturday (my actual bday), he surprised me with "Love" (a Cirque Du Soleil presentation). It was unbelievable!! I highly recommend this to anyone.

Here are some highlights of my trip:
-Myke broke a mirror while waiting to get into "Love"
-Myke got an "interesting" massage from a guy in the Aladdin mall
-We gambled $3 and won nothing!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Guess who had a frozen banana?

Famous Bluth Frozen Bananas

That's right...I did (oh, and so did Myke).

Thursday, June 08, 2006

All new? Alright!

I might have a job. I have to fax a couple more things, but after that they said they can send an offer letter my way. Not bad for only being here a week (ok, almost two).

My birthday (I'm turning 25!!) is on Saturday and Myke has arranged for us to go to Las Vegas (though we leave on Friday). I'm super excited as I have never been there. I really hope we get a chance to go to at least one show (any suggestions?).

You know what? I think I've grown out of MTV. I just don't relate to their programs anymore. I still like to watch music videos, but definitely not as much as I did when I was in my teens.

Our new place is coming along. We just need a kitchen table and then we are set.

Oh, and I love "Arrested Development"! I should've watched it more when it was actually on the air. Damn!

Monday, June 05, 2006

The Golden Harrison (Van Gogh style)

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Adventures in Babysitting

Myke and I held a Harrison/Hampton sleepover last night. We took the kids to see "Over the Hedge", ordered Mcdonalds and then went to our neighborhood pool. All in all, it was a great time.

I'm still working on being an aunt. Slowly, but surely! Posted by Picasa

Saturday, June 03, 2006

A BIG Thank you!

Thank you so much, Mom and Dad! Because of you two, the wedding was beautiful and all our guests enjoyed their time in Hawaii. I hope that you still had an awesome 30th Wedding Anniversary and that you have many more wonderful times in the future. I'm so glad Aaron and I made that video/dvd for you (enjoy!).

I miss you both very much!

Love you,
Dara Posted by Picasa

Friday, June 02, 2006

Mr. and Mrs. Harrison

Thanks to my mom, Myke and I just received our first piece of joint mail. Yeah!

I'm so glad we got married in Hawaii. Look at that background (see left)! I'm still working on posting more pics too (I still blame that on our slow computer).

This weekend involves having a sleepover at our new apartment with our neices and nephew ("auntie Dara" is still a bit weird for me to hear). It should be fun. Posted by Picasa

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Look at my hand!

For some reason I can't get my hands to do the proper "aloha" hand sign. Because of this I have been made fun of by numerous people (thanks a lot, Gianfranco).
Regardless, I really like this picture.

Our wedding photographer wasn't the best, but he gave us all the negatives and pictures on cd.
I'll be posting more once my computer picks up speed (damn computer).

I'm still on the hunt for a job. I think I need something a bit slower paced to start with. I am not familiar with this area and need a little more time adjusting. It's hard to pick up and move every couple of months. It's also hard to live in a place that requires driving (and lots of it). Oh, how I miss subways.
Actually, I miss Toronto a lot these days.
California isn't so sunny after all. The weather is not as dry as one would expect. It's also overcast until 12 or 1pm almost everyday. All in all, I'm not the happiest camper now (though I'm more than excited to be living with Myke again). I honestly just want to be in a place where I know my surroundings and have people to share things with. That's not too much to ask for, right? Posted by Picasa