A lot from a little

Monday, May 28, 2007

Wine Country

It only took us 7 hours to get to Napa Valley! Thank God!
We are staying at a beautiful place (1801 First...check it out on the web).
Next up: A sparkling wine winery and a couples massage!
I love being on vacation!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Myke's Bday Dinner Recap

Myke's bday dinner was lots of fun! We had good times, good conversation and great company. Let's raise a glass to birthdays and anniversaries! Here, here!

Happy Anniversary, Mom and Dad!

We love you, Mom and Dad!
May you have 100 more years of Anniversaries!

Have fun in Alaska! We'll be thinking about you.

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Happy Birthday, L Nose!

Happy Birthday, Mykie!

Another year has come and gone;
The sands of time keep trickling away.
Your birthday reminds me to let you know
I'm thankful for you each and every day.

By Karl Fuchs

Monday, May 21, 2007

Happy One Year!

Happy 1 Year Anniversary!

Here, There, Everywhere

Sunday, May 20, 2007

A wedding and a fridge

Yesterday, Myke and I attended Sara and Gianfranco's wedding. My sister-in-law was sweet enough to do my hair (see picture below). It looked great.
See the highlights of the wedding below:

Friday, May 18, 2007

Season Finales!

No more Office or Ugly Betty until next September (hopefully!). I'm so sad :( What am I suppose to watch on tv now? Maybe I should use the next coming months to enjoy the outdoors. I could go to the beach more :)
I've actually been really proud of myself. I've walked home from work 3 times so far! It takes me about 20-25 minutes to walk from my work to my apartment, so that's a nice little workout.
I'm going to have some mean legs on me come the end of this summer :)

I'm going to take a nap now.

Monday, May 14, 2007

I love my mommy!

Happy belated Mother's day!!

To the woman who has taught me so much and who has asked for nothing in return.
To the woman who has a heart of gold and the name to prove it!
To the woman who can eat a Big Mac in 3.2 seconds!
To the woman who sniffles so happily.
To the woman who "loves" everyone even if they are evil ;)
To the woman who smiles even when the weather calls for rain.
You are a great person and an even better mom.
I love you!

We moved!!

Completely exhausted, but utterly happy! I love our new place.
Our computer and internet are now working and our place is slowly coming together.

Stay tuned for pictures!


Friday, May 11, 2007

Where did all the time go?

I wish I had more time to sleep in the mornings on the weekdays. I just think it's completely unnatural to get up before your body wants to. Someone should start weekdays that start at 10 and end at 2. OH, how I'd love that job!

The Office last night was awesome! I can't believe Pam told Jim she called off her wedding for him. Fave quote of the night "...but I'm still looking for someone with a sales background."
Love it!
For those of you who don't watch, start! It's the best comedy on tv right now (in my opinion of course)!

My legs are way too itchy these days. I hope it gets cooler fast!

Tuesday, May 08, 2007

All I want is a cool breeze!!

California is bloody hot right now. Our apartment lacks the needed cool air and so we are dripping in sweat. I can't wait to move on Sunday. Central air--here we come!
Speaking of our new apartment, we actually got to see it today. It looks much smaller without the model furniture, but it still looks great. It will be a bit tight in the bathroom as we have to fit Schmaty's litter box in there, but we'll make it work.

Here are some things I won't miss about Heritage Point (that's the apartment we are living in now):

1. Car alarms sounding off at 3am (and then 4am and then 5am, etc...)
2. Loud neighbors (just break up already! hehe)
3. Kids running around after 9pm (shouldn't little kids be going to bed at 7 or 8pm?)
4. No washer and dryer in unit (such a big one for us!)
5. 70s decor (thank god for new buildings)
6. Pathetic little air conditioner in corner of the room (is that seriously suppose to cool the whole apartment?)
7. The sound of the train at 5am. Eek!
8. Did I mention loud neighbors?
9. Thin windows and walls (my god people! we can hear everything!)
10. Horrible, horrible drivers! (oh wait, that's everyone in CA...hehe)

Saturday, May 05, 2007


My dad just called me "chatty kathy." I didn't realize how long I had been talking to my parents until I looked at the phone. 74 plus minutes is a long time to talk!

My Nana L has been under the weather. I know she wouldn't want me to blog details about what's going on, so all I'll say is "Get better soon, Nana!"

Myke reminded me yesterday that I am very much like my dad (personality wise). Funny, actually.

Today we might see Spiderman. If not, we'll go next week.

I can't believe this is our last weekend in this apartment. Craziness.

Thursday, May 03, 2007

And they'll pay for that??

I might be visiting my parents in ATL in June. I'm waiting for the details from work (they will be sending me to CHLT and then I'll go to ATL for the weekend). Hopefully, it works out. I'd love to visit ATL for free!!
I'm keeping my fingers crossed!!

It seems as though my neighbor is giving her stupid boyfriend one more shot. I wish he would go away though...he's sooooo annoying!

I'm going out with Malinda tonight for dinner. Yeah!!

I love facebook!! I found a bunch of people on there that I hadn't spoken to you for years. Yeah for the internet.

And yeah to Myke for making me eggs!