A lot from a little

Sunday, December 28, 2008

"It smells like laundry"

With the holiday season comes bubbles?  Our apartment complex had a winter celebration the other night and decided to throw bubbles on everyones heads.  Unfortunately, it fell on the food :(  I had to quickly cover my cupcake and sushi.  I think it'd be cool if it really snowed in SoCal.  Of course, there would probably be accidents all over the roads.  

My uncle mentioned to me that Canada is going to have an insanely cold winter this year.  I can't wait to return to freezing temperatures (I'm being a bit sarcastic!).  I seriously need to purchase long johns and boots.  

Movie reviews: Benjamin Buttons was a bit long.  The makeup was amazing though.  Oh and Brad Pitt is super attractive.

Thursday, December 25, 2008

A very Merry Christmas to all!

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Happy Chanukah!

Sunday, December 21, 2008

The cat is out of the bag!

I guess it's true what people say: "Home is where the heart is."  After many talks, Myke and I have decided to relocate back to Toronto.  California is a great place, however it's not a great place for us.  I don't want to put Toronto on a pedestal, but it's definitely more in line with our needs/wants/goals than Orange County.
We will miss our OC family and friends.

Oh, and I'll miss the celeb sitings as well!

On a totally different topic: Happy Chanukah!


Saturday, December 13, 2008

Sarah is magic!

Myke and I just got back from seeing Sarah Silverman and friends (i.e. tv show co-workers, writers and sister) and it was MAGICAL!!  The cast held a Q&A session at the end of the evening and I was one of the lucky ones who asked a question.  I "borrowed' Myke's question ("How was Fucking Matt Damon?") and received quite a few laughs.  Sarah explained that it was good and shared a story about a back dancer and The Shining (if you want the details, let me know).  But my fave part came after the show ended.  Myke and I were walking to our car (we parked behind The Largo) when we noticed the entire cast hanging out.  Sarah recognized me from the Q&A period and said "Here's where you said I did a good job.  Sarah...Dara...it rhymes!"  I can't believe she remembered my name!!  I feel so special.  I wish I had stayed longer to chat.  She's so random and lovely and I appreciate her brand of comedy.  Here's to you, Sarah!

A fly in my eye!

Yesterday while Myke and I were livin it up in San Diego, a fly flew in my eye.  I figured I got it out, but after a couple of hours my eye started hurting.  When I went to clean it out a little fly (or maybe it was a nat?) appeared.  How disgusting is that?? I'm hoping it didn't plant little baby bugs in my eye.  Yuck!  

Sorry if I'm sounding negative.  Though it was a work trip, I managed to have 1:1 time with my beau.  We had fun walking around town and eating (FYI--My picture is from the Petco Stadium where the Padres play).

Tonight, we are heading to Los Angeles to see Sarah Silverman.  I'm going to shout out ridiculous things from the audience in hopes that she'll make fun of me!! I'm such a nerd.  

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

A message from Ron Howard

My friend, Tom, sent me a cute little video Ron Howard made before the elections.  Just another reason why I love Mr. Howard.  Too bad I'm not friends with his nephew anymore :)
