A lot from a little

Friday, September 28, 2007

"I'm leaving...on that midnight train to Georgia..."

The packing is complete. The temperature is down. I'm leaving for GA today!

I'm excited!!!

I will miss my hubby and cat though. Oh well. It's only for a couple of days.

Stay tuned for GA pics.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Sirens? Is there a tornado? Is it World War III?

This afternoon we had the pleasure of listening to high pitched sirens. Apparently someone accidentally pulled the fire alarm (I'm really assuming this is what happened as I didn't see or smell a fire). Of course, this horrible noise scared Schmaty. Myke had to pick her up and push her into her cage. It was a very traumatic moment for all of us :)
Thankfully, it was just a moment. Now we are back in our apartment and Schmaty hasn't a care in the world. I'd also like to mention that this week has been a hard one for Schmaty. She had her bum shaved and received her yearly shots. What a trooper!

In other news, I'm getting excited for my upcoming GA trip. I can't believe it's been over a year since my last visit. It'll be good to see family and friends (of course, let's face it, I go for Madison).

Shout out: Myke--Thanks for putting up pictures today. They look great!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cleaning Party

And our cleaning party has begun...
We have a couple more things to do, but other than that we are good to go! Woohoo!

I wonder how many people we can get to visit us in 2008? Naomi? Rose? Ang? Tom? Anyone?

And here's a cute pic that our friend, Liana took while visiting us in Cali this summer (super cute!):

Monday, September 17, 2007

Free-stylin' it!!

This past weekend was jam-packed!

Event #1: Visit to Murietta. We got to spend time with Uncle Stan and Smyth family. Yummy food and funny talk! Maybe Uncle Stan will move to Cali??

Event #2: Visit to the Malibu Getty. Umbrellas, tours, gardens and small asian ladies...oh my! We had lots of fun with our friends, Rosio and Anthony. And the weather was rockin'!

Event #3: Getting sick (probably just a cold though). Not fun! :(

Sunday, September 09, 2007

Bang, Bang...

I did it! I finally got bangs. I'm not sure if I entirely like them, but it's somewhat cute nonetheless.

Here are some pics:

Friday, September 07, 2007

Playa Hata

According to the Urban Dictionary, a player hater means:

A. Someone who dislikes or resents or disapproves of a player (the term is used to criticize people who are jealous or who don't respect successful people).

B. Someone who interferes with flirting behavior, or questions a player for his actions toward the opposite sex.

I am definitely not a player hater (pronounced PLAY-A HAT-A).


Monday, September 03, 2007

"The Iraqs and Everywhere, like, such as..."

Oh, Miss South Carolina. You are a very "special" girl. If only you had gone to school in the North ;0
If you haven't seen her in action, go here

This weekend has been crazy. It started with poo and vomit from a sick dog and will probably end with Myke moaning about his back pains (yes, he needs to go see a doctor!). We did get some fun in however. On Saturday night we hung out with Rosio and Anthony and then yesterday we got a massage. Today we are planning on taking it easy and maybe running a couple of errands (side note: I always though "errands" was spelled "aarons" when I was a kid). I had an extra long weekend since I had Friday off, but it didn't really feel like a long weekend. I'm hoping that my next long weekend will go by slower :)