A lot from a little

Monday, September 03, 2007

"The Iraqs and Everywhere, like, such as..."

Oh, Miss South Carolina. You are a very "special" girl. If only you had gone to school in the North ;0
If you haven't seen her in action, go here

This weekend has been crazy. It started with poo and vomit from a sick dog and will probably end with Myke moaning about his back pains (yes, he needs to go see a doctor!). We did get some fun in however. On Saturday night we hung out with Rosio and Anthony and then yesterday we got a massage. Today we are planning on taking it easy and maybe running a couple of errands (side note: I always though "errands" was spelled "aarons" when I was a kid). I had an extra long weekend since I had Friday off, but it didn't really feel like a long weekend. I'm hoping that my next long weekend will go by slower :)


  • At 9:19 AM, Blogger Lauren said…

    I am so egotistical that I used to think the lyrics were HEY JEW not realizing it was really HEY JUDE.

  • At 1:13 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Girl, you and your cousins (aka Miss USA girl)have got to take a minute to think....use that minute to use the thing between the ears. WOW. LOL Jokes...but darn...she should of thought before she opened that vocal box of hers...poor thing.


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