A lot from a little

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Cleaning Party

And our cleaning party has begun...
We have a couple more things to do, but other than that we are good to go! Woohoo!

I wonder how many people we can get to visit us in 2008? Naomi? Rose? Ang? Tom? Anyone?

And here's a cute pic that our friend, Liana took while visiting us in Cali this summer (super cute!):


  • At 8:32 AM, Blogger Lauren said…

    Why are you having cleaning party? If you mean cleaning out unneccessary stuff you have....I did that last week and took 2 bags of CRAP to Goodwill. It felt so good.

  • At 9:51 AM, Blogger Dayray said…

    That's awesome, Lauren. I should seriously do that with my clothes. I have things from when I was a teenager and they just don't fit anymore (as you can tell, I've put on a bit of weight). But no, I'm using this time to do a deep cleaning of the apartment (i.e. scrubbing the bathroom, vaccuming, etc...). Hope you are having a good Jewish New Year.


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