A lot from a little

Monday, October 23, 2006

Save the kitten!

Why would someone abandon an animal? I ask myself that question all the time.
I would love to keep the kitten, but Myke's allergies are acting up and I'm afraid of her claws.
Does anyone want a kitten?

This past weekend was very eventful. I went to Knotts Scary Farm and then to LA. Too bad I don't live in LA.


  • At 10:12 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    how far do you live from l.a.?
    yes to going to alaska! yes to taking me with you!

    my sympathies to myke, with regards to the allergies.


  • At 1:22 PM, Blogger Dayray said…

    We live about an hour from Los Angeles. Why? You coming in town?

  • At 9:22 PM, Blogger LTA said…

    The kitten must go!!!

  • At 10:47 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    To dust off Larry's joke, Larry wants the kitten to go because he's a natural kitten-killer (you'll have to ask what that means)

  • At 10:58 PM, Blogger LTA said…

    Thanks for the assist, Myke. ;=) Actually, rweb.page is the professional kitten killer.

  • At 2:01 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    There are many people who should not own a pet. And you well know I am not an animal lover. However, if someone thinks, oh- it would be so nice to have a kitten (or a dog, or a bird, and yes----even a baby) then there is sacrifice involved. Not all animals are healthy--there's a huge expense for animal care----the vets, the special foods, the toys, the kitty litters, etc. And tiny little kittens and puppies, like humans, do grow up and no longer remain in that cuddly infantile mode.
    The animal shelters are full of people's discards----no longer wanted. And I have read many articles that say the worst time of the year to adopt or buy an animal is at holiday time.
    And then what happens if you want to spend a weekend away, or a longer holiday time? Disaster!!!! Animals have feelings too, and you can traumatize a pet by taking it away from familiar surroundings. I also feel sorry for animals who are kept in apartments, without access to an outdoor play area set up properly, like Madison in Marietta, Georgia------the only dog I'm not truly terrified of.

  • At 1:32 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…



    ps - eventually, hopefully soon.


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