A lot from a little

Friday, October 30, 2009


Guess who got a job???



The position is with Cancer Care Ontario and it seems super promising. I'm very excited.

Thank you to everyone who supported me during this rocky time (especially Mykie). I have some great friends/family members!

Next up: Celebrating with Mykie (though the real celebrating won't begin until I actually start the job).

Sunday, October 25, 2009

I'm on a boat! I'm on a boat!

Last night, Myke and I celebrated Ang's bday (note: her actual bday isn't until November) on a boat in TO! Now I've been known to get a bit sea-sick. Fortunately, Ang had these cool pressure point bracelets and was nice enough to lend me one for the remainder of the cruise. The cruise itself was full of crappy music (but in a funny way), Brazilians, family and friends. It was great to see Ang and Tom's family members/friends (it's been over 4 years since we last saw some of them). I also must share that I mistakenly used the men's bathroom 3 times throughout the evening. Oops!

All in all it was a nice way to celebrate Ang's 30th! Happy Birthday, Ang!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

The idea of Obama

Opinions are a funny thing. Everyone has them!  They come in different sizes and colors.  I'd like to think that my opinions are well thought out, but that's not always the case.  Sometimes I go along with others because I think they are smarter and more "worldly" and other times I go by ethics/morals/instincts (i.e. If someone sleeps with a baby, he/she should die a horrible death!).  Though I might not necessarily agree with everyone's personal views, I do respect that they have opinions in the first place (that means the wheels are turning!).

Thanks again to Naomi and Rose for a wonderful evening! I love those guys ;)

Sunday, October 18, 2009


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Gobble Gobble!

This year I took part in 2 different Thanksgiving dinners.  Both were full of family, food and good times.  Unfortunately, I went a little too crazy in the dessert area (meaning...I ate too much!).  My tummy is about to burst!  
Good thing I have a bit of a break between Thanksgiving and Christmas! 

I've decided that I am quite good at photographing animals (see pictures of Alfie below).  Once I get a fancy camera, I might expand on my animal shots.  In the meantime, I will continue taking a million shots of Schmaty (she is my muse).

I am 3 months shy of reaching my year of being unemployed.  Let's hope for a job offer before January 10th!! Here's to hoping...

Tuesday, October 06, 2009

I'm tired of being me!

I think I want to be someone else for awhile.  I'm sick of feeling like I'm adding nothing to the world (but garbage, of course).  The new me would be active with different community projects, be more social and have a kick-ass job with kick-ass co-workers/managers.  This way when I posted a blog, I would have more exciting things to talk about (instead of the typical "woe me" stuff).  

That said, my life could be worse.  I have a great husband, a nice apartment, great friends and family and a cat who lets me smother her.  I'm not sure why that can't be enough, but it is just not filling the void.  

In other news...my parents came in this weekend and we had a fun-filled family weekend.  The events included an 85th birthday dinner for my grandmother, brunch at the Hart house (Hart family included!) and running around doing strange but needed errands.