A lot from a little

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Man in the Mirror

Wow! Michael Jackson is dead!  As Myke says, he was the Elvis of our generation.  Crazy! I'm not going to put him up on a pedestal or anything as he had his flaws, but he was a very talented artist.  

I heard a rumor that Michael left over 200 Beatles' songs to Paul McCartney in his will.  We'll see how if that is true in a couple of days/week.

I hope his kids are ok...

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

You want a story? Here's a story!

I have never been one to sit down and let life happen.  I like to be proactive and plan.  Of course, when things don't go to plan, I'm left feeling lost.  I usually grow from these experiences however when they hit they hit me hard.  I start re-evaluating life and second guessing everything.  Right now I'm second guessing my move.  I'm glad I moved to TO as I love it here, but I hate that I left a well paying job for no job.  I am completely lost without work!  I've never been good at school or hobbies, but I've always been kick-ass in my line of work.  I enjoy being challenged in the work place and learning new programs, policies, etc...  I am career focused and a 6 month lull isn't helping!  I don't want to sound too negative as I am lucky in some respects (i.e. family, some good friends, etc...).  I just wish I had something to look forward to and be happy about!  Without a job I can't save for my Europe trip, go get my hair done, go out to dinners with friends/family and do other random and fun things.  

In other news...I hate this recession!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Measuring Up!

There is always someone who is stronger, smarter and better looking than you.  I just wish my career was more impressive than the next guy.  I was going strong and then I fell, I guess.  I've been trying to get back up, but it's hard when you are leaning on others to help you.  Why does everyone feel it's their job to give me job advice?  I know almost every website, association/organization, etc... in the HR industry.  I'm TRYING my hardest!!  

Can I get a break?

Sunday, June 14, 2009

This is how we do it!!

I had a nice birthday week/weekend!  Below are some highlights:
  • Breakfast by chef Mykie
  • Pedicures with Nana L
  • Dinner with Myke and Nana
  • Fried bananas with Sandra and Evert
  • Watched "Away We Go" with Derek and Myke
  • Dinner at a place called Vdara
  • Dinner at an Ethiopian restaurant with friends
  • Played Wii Fit with Ang and Tom!
Thank you to everyone for making my day so special!!