I have never been one to sit down and let life happen. I like to be proactive and plan. Of course, when things don't go to plan, I'm left feeling lost. I usually grow from these experiences however when they hit they hit me hard. I start re-evaluating life and second guessing everything. Right now I'm second guessing my move. I'm glad I moved to TO as I love it here, but I hate that I left a well paying job for no job. I am completely lost without work! I've never been good at school or hobbies, but I've always been kick-ass in my line of work. I enjoy being challenged in the work place and learning new programs, policies, etc... I am career focused and a 6 month lull isn't helping! I don't want to sound too negative as I am lucky in some respects (i.e. family, some good friends, etc...). I just wish I had something to look forward to and be happy about! Without a job I can't save for my Europe trip, go get my hair done, go out to dinners with friends/family and do other random and fun things.
In other news...I hate this recession!