A lot from a little

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

A Rough Patch

The weather this week has been rainy and yucky.
I think it reflects how I've been feeling this past week. I've had bad day after bad day. Hopefully, there is a good day coming up.

My parents and I went to look at the invitations I want. I really like them. They aren't that expensive either which is a good thing. I have to order them before the end of this month cause they are only on sale until then. 40% off, baby!

My dad has been finding flight deals for Myke's sister and her family. I just hope they book the flights and come. I so badly want them to attend the wedding.
I would feel horrible if no one from Myke's side came (why do I feel like I'm repeating myself?).

I got my hair highlighted today and it looks cute. Very cute!

I'm missing "the office" tomorrow because of play rehearsal. I miss that show.
I miss my L Nose too.


  • At 12:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    turns out that i like the american version of the office. i saw my first episode last week and laughed really hard. oh, i love that steve carrell!

    it's been rainy here as well, and windy and gross. the new recepionist in my office is driving me crazy and i don't know if i'm making right choices with jobs. it's got to be the weather, when i think about it calmly, i know i'm going to be okay. i hope life perks up for you as well when we start seeing a prettier sky.

    yay for getting invitations for such a sale price! cheapness is my favourite jewish stereotype!


  • At 1:04 PM, Blogger Dayray said…

    Mine too! I get so excited when I plan a trip for under 500 for a week. I'm so proud of myself when this happens.

    It's raining in TO, huh? I guess that's better than snow (or is it?).

    Think of your job as a stepping stone to something better. Look how far you've come in the last couple of months. Go you!

    I'm so happy you are visiting soon.

  • At 8:59 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    It's raining and you're sad? That's pathetic... fallacy, that is. Oh crap, I'm cracking jokes about literary terms. Soon I'll be doing real-estate appraisal jokes. Damn.

  • At 11:24 AM, Blogger Dayray said…

    Myke--You need help!! You are such a nerd.
    love you!


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