A lot from a little

Friday, January 06, 2006

Milky Skin

Yesterday while eating lunch with a co-worker, I was hit on by the waiter. He approached me and said "I noticed you have milky white skin. What ethnicity are you? Polish? Wow, your skin is beautiful. Is Mr. Golden polish?" How random is that? I always have the most random things happen in my life (i.e. rednecks shooting guns into a pool).

My brother just shared with me that he feels he is going "in a different direction" than the family. Well, duh? He's 22 yrs. old. I wouldn't expect him to be living his life like our parents or even me for that matter. He is in University and having fun. Sometimes he says the craziest things (though I get a good laugh out of it).

I am working from home today because I feel like poo. I always feel more comfortable working when I'm in my PJ's.

My life is chaotic right now.

I think I might have a cavity, but I can't really find out until I have coverage in February. Crap!


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