A lot from a little

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Growing Pains vs. Neck Pains

Working all day at your desk has its problems. For starters, my neck and back are killing me. I'm assuming that it has to do with my horrible posture and unpleasant working conditions (meaning my chair isn't comfy and my monitor is too far away from me). I asked my work if I could work from home today and there were no objections. How cool is that? I've always wanted to work from home, but never got approved to do so until now. I feel like a grown up (hehe)!

GA is suppose to have freezing rain tonight. This should be interesting since the south is inequipped with the latest snow/sleet/freezing rain technologies. Oh, silly Georgians!

I'm learning how to "drive" again on Saturday morning. Yup, my life is that exciting!

Blue is my color!


  • At 9:01 AM, Blogger Myke said…

    Random comment coming at ya--now:

    I loved Kirk Cameron in the left behind movies!!!

  • At 5:43 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    When are we going to see a new post, sista???

  • At 5:15 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Show me that smile again (Ooh show me that smile)
    Don't waste another minute on your crying
    We're nowhere near the end (We're nowhere near...)
    The best is ready to begin

    As long as we got each other
    We got the world spinning right in our hands
    Baby you and me...
    We got to be...
    The luckiest dreamers who never quit dreaming

    As long as we keep on giving
    We can take anything that comes our way
    Baby rain or shine...
    All the time...
    We got each other
    Sharing the laughter and love (Sharing the laughter and love)



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