Crazy, Sexy, Rainy?
Ontario is to snow as Georgia is to Rain (lots and lots of it).
It doesn't just rain in GA, no, it pours!!
It's a good thing I'm getting more comfortable driving. Windsheild wipers are my friends.
I had my first 1-1 session at work and I received a lot of good feedback. Apparently, people think I'm quick and adaptable. This is completely different than my last job. My last job tried to convince me that I was an idiot who could not be flexible/adaptable. Stupid company!
I found a movie friend in GA. Yeah! This doesn't replace my movie buddy though. When I get to California, he'll be with me to watch whatever new movie is out.
Also, feel better Nana. She's been under the weather with a yucky flu. I know what it's like to be sick. I think I'm sick every other week :)
My mom is being annoying and needs the computer. This is what you get when you move back home. Lucky me!
It doesn't just rain in GA, no, it pours!!
It's a good thing I'm getting more comfortable driving. Windsheild wipers are my friends.
I had my first 1-1 session at work and I received a lot of good feedback. Apparently, people think I'm quick and adaptable. This is completely different than my last job. My last job tried to convince me that I was an idiot who could not be flexible/adaptable. Stupid company!
I found a movie friend in GA. Yeah! This doesn't replace my movie buddy though. When I get to California, he'll be with me to watch whatever new movie is out.
Also, feel better Nana. She's been under the weather with a yucky flu. I know what it's like to be sick. I think I'm sick every other week :)
My mom is being annoying and needs the computer. This is what you get when you move back home. Lucky me!
At 7:50 PM,
Myke said…
I thought you had a lot of good comments at your last job, too. In any case, I think it's only a matter of time before the world realizes the entity that is Dara Golden (soon to be Harrison).
At 8:30 AM,
Dayray said…
I did, but it always seemed fake. I really hated my managers there too. Don't you remember?
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
i saw rent and loved and i'm going again!!! and we've got rain this week as well! and yay that this job is not the suck that your last job was!!
At 11:41 AM,
Anonymous said…
ummm, that was me, naomi!!!!
At 8:12 PM,
Anonymous said…
I'm soooo bad at consistently reading your blog, so I've just caught up from ages ago... Just found out you got your dress (have yet to check the site), and that you got a job! Congratulations on all this great stuff! It sounds like there's so much going on that it will fly by - in which case I should be more diligent in checking your blog every day.
If it makes you feel any better it rained all day today and is supposed to rain all week, progressively getting colder and turning into snow. Feel better?
Miss you!
- Rosalie
At 8:28 PM,
Evert Heskes said…
Ontario seems to be as bad as Georgia. We have had nothing but rain for the last few days and the temperature was around 60F.
I really enjoy reading your blog.
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