525,600 minutes
I just want to start by telling everyone they need to see the movie "Rent." It's truly amazing. I have always been a big fan of the musical (I've seen it twice) so when the movie came out I was somewhat skeptical, but excited at the same time. Oh, it so wasn't a disappointment!
My parents are out of town until tomorrow, so I'm relaxing and taking it easy. I love my family, but oh are they loud. My brother is staying over this weekend, but he seems to keep to himself for the most part. He's a character, though. I've never known/met anyone quite like him. He interrupts himself when he's telling a story, looks at his arm muscles when telling stories, and has a Quagmire laugh.
I shopped until I almost dropped today. I bought clothes and a camera. I'm not a materialistic person, but I'm really happy with my purchases. I love saving money, that's for damn skippy!
Happy Black Friday!
At 7:12 PM, Myke said…
You haven't really experienced Rent until you've seen it for the 525,601st time. Seriously- that one blew me away!
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