A lot from a little

Friday, March 31, 2006


I think I caught a bug.
My stomach started churning last night and then this morning I woke feeling like I was going to puke. I hate feeling this way.
Why do I catch things so easily? My immune system sucks! Hopefully it will go away before tomorrow. I need to be healthy enough to take my driving test.

Derek and Ashley booked their Hawaii tickets. I'm very excited. It's both a good and bad thing that only 20 people are coming to the wedding. All in all, I'm happy with the wedding plans so far.
We are having a black and white themed ceremony and then a colorful reception. It should look pretty when the sun sets.

My work shower was yesterday. There was yummy food from La Madeline and presents. My work is definitely generous.


  • At 9:47 AM, Blogger Myke said…

    I hope you feel better, hon. If you end up taking your test, good luck to you. Let me know what happens!

    -Love Me

  • At 3:18 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    What you're suffering from is an infection that's going around all over the continent----Canada and the USA. Your Nana Merle had something similar a couple of weeks ago. She became ill in a Mall, and started throwing up. You don't need anti-biotics---it's not bacterial. So don't blame your immune system. (I won't go into your abominable eating habits, because that's another story). However, it would help if you would take a daily vitamin.
    Looking forward to seeing you next Sunday. I've invited Nana Merle also.


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