What is with me and "J's"
Since I've stepped into the working world, I have been "blessed" with fake, mean, manipulative co-workers. Don't get me wrong, the majority are/were great, but there are always those few who ruin the workplace environment (especially for me). It just so happens that all the people that made/make my workplace horrible have a name starting with the letter J. This time around it's a guy named JZ* (*fake name). This guy believes that he can never be wrong. He sent me an email instructing me on how to setup home access, but his directions for so vague I called emailed. Instead of emailing me back with specific instructions, he merely sent me an email with the same instructions as well as a message that stated: "Dara, what part of this don't you get?"...nice, huh? I spoke with my manager about him and apparently everyone is having a hard time time with him (yea, so for once it's not just me). The only thing is they won't fire him. Why would you keep an employee who doesn't do his job well (especially since he's on contract). Silly folks.
My tummy is making noises. Oh, how hungry I am.
Only 2 more days until California.
My tummy is making noises. Oh, how hungry I am.
Only 2 more days until California.
At 12:52 AM,
Myke said…
I guess you're not too worried about coworkers seeing this, huh?
At 3:54 AM,
Dayray said…
No one knows I have a blog anyway. I'm not about to offer that information, as it clearly states throughout my blog that I plan to move to Cali.
At 11:59 AM,
Anonymous said…
what's this jz's job? other than being a dick? is he a tech guy? it seems to me that tech guys are given more leeway to be a jerk, since the managers are scared of computers and thus very frightened of losing the staff. if he's just a fellow coworker, then what the crap. rudeness is bad news.
ohhhhh yeah. thaaaaaat california in two days! have fun, dara and myke! play safe!
At 3:36 PM,
Dayray said…
He is an IT person!! Good call, Naomi. I find that IT people are odd and deal with people in crazy ways...but that's just me generalizing from my own experiences.
I'm going to Cali tomorrow! Woohoo!
At 1:58 PM,
Anonymous said…
I also had a lot of problems with IT people at my old jobs. Most of them just played video games all day and then sighed and made a lot of noise if you asked them for any help. And then they would treat you like you were stupid and give you instructions for things like "This is how you turn on the computer." Oh and the other IT guy was deaf in one ear and very anti-social. Nice mix.
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