A lot from a little

Friday, April 25, 2008

"How dare you!!"

The College Conference is over!!! Now I can spend all my time daydreaming about my upcoming vacation.  Yeah for vacations!!

This weekend I'll be hanging out with my hubby.  He's been working a lot so we haven't been able to really hang out.  He is bringing home awesome turkey bacon these days though!! Yeah for commission!  

I discovered I have an old SEFTY friend living less than 15 minutes away from me.  I still get excited whenever I hear that someone was in or knows of SEFTY.  Makes me think of the "good 'ol days."  Actually, these days are great too.  I have a loving husband and cat (though she gave me a little bite yesterday) and nice friends.  

Have a good weekend, my friends!

P.S. I have acid reflux :(


  • At 9:34 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    Mmmm... turkey...

  • At 4:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Acid reflux! You must have been watching too many TV commercials while the Writers' Guild strike was on. Papa and I always laughed longest and loudest at all the medicinal advertisements, as opposed to so-called "comedy" shows.
    And as if they can't reach us through TV, I get unsolicited e-mails known as SPAM. I don't open any of them up---I just press the Delete button.
    Hope you all have a wonderful time on your upcoming vacation. So what kinds of food are you supposed to stay away from? TURKEY BACON?
    Today I'm meeting Aunt Rosie for lunch, then we're going to visit Papa at Leisureworld Cheltenham. He was transferred there on Tuesday of this past week. On Wednesday I received a letter from Extendicare Bayview telling me that they have accepted Papa there, and as soon as a bed becomes available, I will be notified. Where we had to place him is the wrong setting. Because Papa requires a lot of assistance, he was put in a semi-private room on their Complex Care Floor. The majority of those residents suffer with Dementia and Alzheimer's. His room partner is a Chinese gentleman, in his 90's, non-English speaking, one-legged, who draws the curtains all the way around himself for privacy. Thank goodness Papa was given the bed beside the window.
    Love you from Nana and Papa.

  • At 12:04 AM, Blogger Cherbear said…

    Hope you are doing well now :D
    It's been a while......... miss you guys lets hang out soon K!


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