A lot from a little

Friday, February 23, 2007

It only takes one person...

I don't understand W4/W2 & T4 slips. I just don't get it. I end up filling them out incorrectly and getting either too much deducted from my paycheck or not enough. I wish they had someone on sight at work counseling people on how they should fill it out.

This weekend will be spent taking it easy and possibly making the trek to Los Angeles.

I am also starting to plan a Myke/Dara trip. I think we are going to head to San Fran. Hopefully, it won't be too expensive.

Myke informed me that we only have 7 more laundry runs until we move into our new place (we move in May 20th). I can't wait! I also am excited to be away from the crazy car alarms. These people purposely let it ring all night long. Bastards!


  • At 9:17 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Car alarms are so passe. (with an acute over the e). They are not a deterrent in any way, and the noise level is not appreciated. To me, another amusing sight is watching people walking around a parking lot, pressing their remote controls, trying to locate their cars. Well, today is Theatre Day with Summer and Ciera, when I am taking them to see a performance of "Joseph and the Amzing-------", at the Isabel Bader Theatre on Charles Street, across the street from the ROM. Uncle David just phoned to say he'll be able to drive us there, as he has an appointment at the CNE. Of course, we'll take the subway back, and then I'll drive them home.
    We're having another exceptionally cold spell again. The only thing good is that there's a bright orb in the sky, that has been identified as the sun.
    Love and K from Nana and Papa

  • At 11:08 AM, Blogger Myke said…

    I think the people with the car alarms, when caught letting them go off all night, should be forced to do our laundry for "seven more runs" and, while doing that, should also help us fill out W2 forms. Bastards, indeed!

  • At 12:05 AM, Blogger GREENALUTION said…

    I always thought that if the alarm goes off for more than 5min you are allowe dto use any means to stop it...or make a reason for it to go off....hee hee


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