A lot from a little

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Here's to the positive!

Myke and I were just discussing how our friend, Naomi, seems to always be in a good mood. She's so positive and has a great outlook on life. I envy that. It's hard to bstay positive when chaos and stress follows you. I have just gone through 3 of the 5 (or is it 7?) life stresses-- marriage, moving, and finding a job. For the most part things have been going well, but every now and then I'll get homesick (I miss TO) or get irritated with my job. I guess that's life though, huh?
I do make sure I have little things to look forward to though. For example, Myke and I ate at the Melting Pot tonight. I spent the whole day thinking about dinner. It was definitely the highlight of my day :)

Anyways, here's to the more positive things in life! Cheers!


  • At 8:29 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Wait, so out of the three stresses you have, only two of them are stressing you out? Meaning, the marriage bit is going well for you is it? Good to hear. I consider that an official status report.

    And here's to The Melting Pot (the restaurant, versus the social idea of assimilation).

    P.S. Update to the new blogger, please, so I don't have all these glitches when trying to comment on your blog

  • At 12:57 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    hey wait, i am this naomi!? sometimes i get sad and stuff! and i don't have tyour take-chargedness, or ambition for moving across the continent! i miss you dararara, to the point where i'm having dreams about missing you!



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