A lot from a little

Monday, March 30, 2009

A month too late

Usually it takes me 2 months to find a job.  Unfortunately, I'll be hitting the 3 month mark in April.  Of course this has something to do with the recession, but still.  I was really hoping for a new job before May.  I'd hate to be unemployed very much longer.  I'm going crazy!! I like being constantly busy.  Here's to remaining positive!!

Weekend Recap: On Saturday, I hung out with Naomi, Adam, Rose, Noah and Myke.  Rose made some kick-ass food (i.e. hummus and cornbread).  A good time was had by all!  Then on Sunday, Myke and I went to ikea and then out to see Monsters vs. Aliens.  Very cute!  

It's good to be back in the city!!


  • At 7:36 PM, Blogger Myke said…

    It won't be long. Soon enough someone will discover that the future CEO of XYZ company is wasting her talents alone in an apartment building, and you'll be snapped up.


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