A lot from a little

Thursday, April 26, 2007

And now we know...

Distance causes distance.

When I was 9 and a half, my parents decided to move the family to GA. Stupidly, I thought that I could keep in touch with my whole 4th grade class. I sent them holiday cards as well as letters, but I received very few back. Eventually, I lost contact with all of them all together. I know I'm older and have stronger relationships with people now, but I still feel the distance everyday. I forget what friends/family look like. Pictures just don't capture people in full. All this to say, that I'm not liking the distance right now. I miss being in my comfort zone. I miss being around people that actually enjoy spending time with me. I miss going to "loud" movies with my Nana M. I miss going to Red Lobster with my grandparents. I miss eating Japanese with Derek. I miss having "bitch sessions" with Hewitt people (though I don't miss the actual job). I miss trying on random dresses and walking around TO with Rose and Naomi. I miss walking across the apartment complex and hanging out with Tom and Ang.

And now you know how I feel...


  • At 3:35 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    wugjvwWhen Uncle David was 9 years old, our family moved from Windsor, Ontario to Toronto. Uncle David was inconsolable for a very long time. He hated the city, he hated his new school, he cried and cried he wanted to go back to his cousins and his friends. Occasionally, when I remind him of this, he laughs.
    We take our yesterdays with us as memories, live today, and look forward to our tomorrows.
    After you and Myke move into your new apartment, you have to take charge of your new life. Join a group----give of yourself. You have a lot of potential. Make the most of it.
    Love and Kisses from Nana and Papa.

  • At 4:31 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I understand. It is the same for me. I know you will make great new connections. Your friends back in Toronto miss you terribly too(I'm sure).


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